Enerwest has been in business for 15 years. The company was started as a Geothermal distributor . There was 3 partners and 15 share holders through out Western Canada. Things have changed over time . When Enerwest lost it's major suppiier of Heap pumps. Garry decided to down size and do a less stressfull product line. Don't get me wrong Geothermal is my passion. The problem is to get a product line that the mfg will stand behind.
Garry & Maxine Meadows the owners of Enerwest now focus on 2 products HBX Controls which they have exclusive rights for in BC and Geoflo Products that are the main supplier for all the flow centers and parts that make a Geothermal system work.
At the age of 72 Garry is still out servicing HP in the Nelson area. With his 35 years of experience there is not much he has not seen. In his office he has his Engineering Certificate,Electrical and his Refrigertion Ticket on display with many awards that he recieved as Top Dealer and Highest sales in can for Nextenergy in 2001. As always you can call him for assistance with your HP issue.